No worries, we can order it in for you. Black Ghost Airsoft has access to a multitude of suppliers not currently represented on our website. If you are looking for a product (including Airsoft Replicas*) we might be able to source it for you - get in touch using the form below or by WhatsApp (07939999734).

How it works:

  • You inform us of the item(s) you are looking for. We’ll get back to you to discuss your message.

  • We will see if the item(s) - or similar alternatives - are available from one of our many suppliers and we will get back to you within 5 working days with options and prices.

  • You decide if you are happy with the item(s) found and the price quoted (including shipping). We will send you photos of any alternative options that do not match your specific request (e.g. different brand but same model of torch).

  • Once you are happy, we will take prepayment from you (by your choice of either debit invoice, custom web order, PayPal Invoice or Bank Transfer.)

  • We will order the item(s) from our supplier, inspect them once they arrive and ensure they are in correct order, and ship them on to you.

  • There are no hidden fees and we will not charge you for our time. You only pay for the goods you receive and we will quote you with a competitive price.

Custom Order Form

Please let us know what you are looking for and we will see if we are able to source the item(s) for you.

*Any order request for an Airsoft Replica will require the customer to supply proof of age before any order is commenced. You must be 18 years or over to legally purchase an Airsoft Replica (two-tone or otherwise).
Customers must also note that a valid UKARA number, BAC membership number or other verifiable valid defence (proof that you are an active Airsoft player, reenactor, Film & TV Production Company, Crown Servant acting within their duties or other acceptable defence) will be required prior to any order commencing that involves a Realistic Imitation Firearm as defined by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 (VCRA). If you do not possess a valid defence or you do not meet the age requirements for purchase, your request will be politely declined and we will explain why. You will be welcome to resubmit the request once you meet the eligibility requirements. Whilst we are not yet a UKARA approved retailer, we will uphold our duty as a retailer to protect the sport of Airsoft and prevent the use of Airsoft Replicas in crime - if your request is declined and you ask us to circumvent the VCRA because you are not in possession of a valid defence you will be refused service and you could be banned from accessing our services.